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  • What is a Financial Consent Order?
    A Financial Consent Order is a legally binding document approved by the court that formalises the financial agreements made during divorce proceedings. It covers property division, pension arrangements, asset distribution, and ongoing financial commitments between ex-spouses.
  • Why do I need a Financial Consent Order?
    You need a Financial Consent Order because divorce alone doesn't end your financial ties. Without one, your ex-spouse could make claims on your future assets indefinitely. This includes any wealth you acquire after divorce, such as lottery winnings, business success, or inheritance.
  • What happens if I don't get a Financial Consent Order?
    Without a Financial Consent Order, you remain financially vulnerable to future claims from your ex-spouse, regardless of how amicable your divorce may be. This was demonstrated in cases like Dale Vince, who faced a £625,000 claim 20 years after divorce.
  • How much does a Financial Consent Order cost?
    The costs typically include: Court fee: £58 (for consensual agreements) Standard solicitor drafting fees: £1,400-£4,000+ Specialised service fees (e.g., By Personal Touch): £697 for our all-inclusive Financial Consent Order service and £797 if you want to include Pension Sharing (prices for both parties!) Mediation packages: Approximately £700-£800 per person. For more details, visit our website or contact us at
  • When can I apply for a Financial Consent Order?
    You can apply for a Financial Consent Order after divorce proceedings have begun. However, it's recommended to arrange it before the decree absolute is granted for optimal protection.
  • How long does getting a Financial Consent Order take?
    The current court processing time is approximately 6 weeks. However, if court intervention is required and an application needs to be filed, the entire process can take up to 18 months. For more information, contact us at
  • Can child maintenance be included in a Financial Consent Order?
    Yes, child maintenance can be included, but it's only legally binding for 12 months. After this period, the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) has jurisdiction over these arrangements.
  • What are the different ways to reach a financial agreement?
    There are several paths to agreeing on a Financial Consent Order: Direct Agreement (suitable for simple finances) Divorce Negotiation (works well for mostly-agreed arrangements) Family Mediation (required by courts before litigation) Independent Barrister Review (provides expert opinion) Specialised services like By Personal Touch (fixed fee for both parties). For more details, contact us at
  • What do I need to get a Financial Consent Order?
    To obtain a Financial Consent Order, you need: Mutual agreement on financial arrangements with your ex-spouse Complete financial disclosure from both parties Court approval (requiring a £58 application fee) Legal drafting by a qualified professional
  • Do I need a Financial Consent Order if we have no assets?
    Yes, it's still advisable to get a Financial Consent Order even without current assets. A clean-break order protects your future assets and income from potential claims by your ex-spouse. For more information, contact us at
  • Can I get a Financial Consent Order after divorce is finalised?
    Yes, you can apply for a Financial Consent Order at any time after divorce, though it's most beneficial to arrange it before the decree absolute is granted.
  • What is a clean break Consent Order?
    A clean-break Consent Order is a type of Financial Consent Order that completely severs all financial ties between you and your ex-spouse. It prevents future claims on any wealth you acquire and provides security for both parties.
  • Do I need legal advice for a Financial Consent Order?
    Yes, it's strongly recommended to seek independent legal advice before finalising a Financial Consent Order to ensure your interests are protected and the agreement is fair. For expert support, contact us at
  • Can I protect myself whilst waiting for court approval?
    Yes, whilst awaiting court approval, you can: Use a memorandum of understanding for interim arrangements Consider a deed of separation Seek legal advice on temporary protective measures Sign and date the Financial Consent Order prior to the Conditional Order
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